Program Metrics
“I mobilize and engage the board, the organization, and ambassadors, as solicitors”
The percent of the cohort that rated themselves as meaningfully engaging the board increased by 13 points:

“Please assess your own capacity to navigate or leverage power dynamics inherent in fundraising (which may at times be exacerbated for POC fundraisers)”
The percent of the cohort who rated themselves as competent in navigating power dynamics doubled:

“Please assess your confidence in navigating around/through or addressing micro and other aggressions”
The percent of participants who rated themselves as competent in addressing micro and other aggressions increased by 27 points:

“Have you been able to better develop a sense of leadership around workload balance and wellness as a result of the program?”
The percent of participants reporting feeling empowered to engage in self-care around workload balance decreased by 20 points:

We believe this is because of the pandemic, which erupted between the mid-term and final evaluation.
In addition to assessing the overall improvement in the cohort’s sense of competency in these areas, we also looked at how many individual participants reported that their capacity had shifted in each area from the start of the program to the program’s end:

While two participants reported growth in their sense of leadership around workload balance and wellness, almost half of the participants reported a drop in this area. As mentioned above, we believe this is because of changed professional conditions due to COVID-19 related concerns.
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